(866) 646-5683


Jeff Warner

Bull Shoals, AR




"My name is Jeff Warner, I’m 36 years old from Grants Pass, OR. I have a wife and 3 wonderful kids. I didn’t grow up in the church and didn’t even open a Bible until I got saved at age 29. I literally knew nothing about the Bible…I didn’t know about Adam and Eve, Noah, Moses, Jesus, etc, I guess you can say I was a true clean slate. I got saved on Sept 20th 2009.

I have been very active in sharing the Gospel for the past 4 years, prior to that I just didn’t have any idea where to start and didn’t know anybody who did evangelism, which is a sad commentary on modern day Churchianity. I started open air preaching in San Francisco at SBO ’16 and have been preaching regularly ever since. I was blessed to preach with a group of brothers through SFOI in San Diego at the MLB All Star Game as well as several events throughout Oregon and in Reno, NV, etc. The Lord has opened many doors for ministry this year and I can’t wait to preach with the saints at SBO ’17."

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