(866) 646-5683


Mike Amick

White House, TN




The Lord saved me and called me into the ministry November 17th 1996. From the beginning I felt the call to preach and to do the work of an evangelist. My beautiful bride Dawn and I have 3 children and we have been in ministry together 20 years. I have served as a youth pastor and an associate pastor and we worked within the church for 15 years. During that time tent evangelism was a primary passion and focus of fulfilling the great commission. I have been indirectly involved with SFOI since 2013 and in 2017 I was invited to go to the Super Bowl outreach in Minneapolis Minnesota and I had never preached on the streets. Since then street ministry has been the main focus. I’m grateful to be a partner and fellow laborer with SFOI with so many dear saints who desire to see souls saved for Kingdom and The Glory of God.

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